Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Me Talk Pretty One Day

After reading "Me Talk Pretty One Day," I have seen that this story, is a humorous story of a non English speaker's daily misuse of words. In the reading, I found many grammatical errors in his sentences, but one that really grabbed my attention was a sentence said by one of his classmates, which was "Sometimes 'me' cry alone at night." As you can see, the sentence is grammatically wrong because of the misuse of a pronoun. Instead of using "I," in the first person's point of view, the student used the word "me," to refer to himself. Therefore, I believe the correct sentence should have been "Sometimes 'I' cry alone at night."

Also, after reading this story, I was able to make a connection to a personal experience, in where I remember hearing my mother, trying to learn English. As I mentioned in my "Relationship to Language" story, my mother had a really hard time learning English. But now, thanks to the reading and the many new things I have learned about language, I realized she had a really hard time learning it, because as well as Sedaris' classmate, my mother had the same problem of misusing pronouns. Instead of 'I' she would use 'me' and instead of 'me' she would use 'I'. Everything was just very confusing for both of us, because everything seemed very similar to her and she just talked the language with whatever word she could remember first, to explain that she was addressing herself. Therefore, after seeing that, I would always try to explain to her, that she wasn't using the correct part of speech, and this just seemed to confused her even more.

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